Monday, February 9, 2009

The intellectual dishonesty of those who don’t speak out against Zionism

Published by Christiaan on 2 January, 2009 in Palestine and Israel and Repression.

It’s deplorable the number of people, mostly so-called “liberals,” who choose to keep their mouths shut in the face of the scourge that is Zionism, something Ronnie Kasrils, a South African politician who was active in the fight against apartheid from the 60’s onwards, described as “far worse” than apartheid South Africa.

Imagine what these same people would be saying, or doing, if their own country had been unlawfully occupied and embargoed for 60 years of relentless oppression and repression, and all attempts at peaceful change had been forcefully prevented or scuttled.

And yet they don’t stay silent because they think Zionism is a just cause, surely; it’s clearly not. They stay silent because of 9/11 and the subsequent conflation of any Arab opposition to Western dominance as terrorism. They stay silent because of the Jewish Holocaust—something the Arabs had nothing to do with—because they’re too scared of been tarred with the brush of anti-Semitism.

And meanwhile we have aberrations like John Bolton—who have long torn up the lessons of WWII—still running around trying to start WWIII(video) on the back of it all.

Watch also the video The neo-Zionist New World Order (1:38 duration).

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