Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ashamed of Israel, an American Jew wrote to George Mitchell.

Dear Mr. Mitchell,

American corporate media and special interest groups who favor Israel have hidden the suffering of Palestinians from the American public for far too long. But now, thanks to valiant journalists and a new global media that disseminates truth NOT controlled by America and Israel, by AIPAC, by Christian Zionists, and by myopic U.S. Jews, more Americans are learning the truth about Israel's brutality toward the Palestinians. More Americans are realizing daily that tens of billions of their hard earned dollars are being awarded to a nation whose primary intent is to exterminate the Palestinians and enjoy sole domain over a historically shared land.

Point of fact Mr. Mitchell, as an American Jew, I'm deeply ashamed of Israel. I've even signed a petition to renounce my Right of Return. I hold no allegiance to a nation that engages in ethnic cleansing or to a people who commit the same horrors upon innocents that were once committed upon them. Has Israel no shame? Has America no shame?! And you, Sir? Will you feel the shame of this perversion and use your power to finally end it?

Mr. Mitchell, I understand Israelis have also suffered from the violence in the region. But in comparison, the Palestinians have suffered and continue to suffer decidedly and horribly more. If the United States doesn't help them soon, the Palestinians face potential extinction. Considering the forthcoming change in the Israeli government, and the recent change in ours, this is the optimal time to establish a new humane agenda.

I implore you Mr. Mitchell to meet with the women of Gaza. I implore you to go to Gaza and use your honored Presidential appointment, your humanity, and your gifts of diplomacy to save and protect Palestinians from further annihilation. Defer our tax dollars from the perpetrator, Israel, to the Palestinians and provide them the necessities for living that Israel systematically denies.

Former President Jimmy Carter, who I believe is America's greatest living statesman, has publicly proclaimed his faith in you as a diplomat and a man of honor. Please Mr. Mitchell, prove President Carter correct. Be that man of honor and end America's support of this genocide. If you truly possess the wisdom and humanity that President Carter claims, then please visit Gaza. Please visit the West Bank. Please speak with the women and children. See the checkpoints. See the lack of sanitation. See the water system in disrepair. See the rubble. Visit the graves. Observe and comfort the wounded. Witness the brutality the Palestinians endure -- AND END IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

The time has long since come!

Salam. Shalom.
Linda Milazzo
American Jew
Los Angeles, CA

Text from here.

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