Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr. Kingpin

Do you want a guy for president who would take multi-trillion dollar "throw of the dice" gambles with the economy? Do you want a guy who always lies about his corporate backing? Do you want a guy who would send the remaining good American jobs overseas? Do you want a guy who would create the worst economic collapse, ever, in American history? Do you want a guy who would get us into a new war with Iran? Do you want a guy who would — at a minimum — start a new Cold War with Russia? Do you want a guy — a guy who can't control his temper — who thinks nuclear wars are winnable? Do you want a guy who isn't happy unless he's in the middle of a crisis? Do you want a guy who thinks the world is secretly run by a group called the "Illuminati" and who's mad that he's never been asked to join? Do you want a guy who embraces evil to achieve power? No. Nobody does. And if we're lucky we won't get that guy. (One of the above I just made up.)

Posted by George Kenney on October 4, 2008 here.

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