Wednesday, April 16, 2008

26 Congressional Candidates Favor Impeachment on Bush and Cheney Now to Prevent Attack on Iran

26 candidates for Congress believe that there are strong signs that the US government will bomb Iranian nuclear facilities before the end of April. They believe that opening the impeachment on Bush and Cheney BEFORE an attack is urgent, in order to prevent WW III.

Impeachment is long overdue. The undersigned are running for Congress on an impeachment platform, because invading another country (Iraq) on the basis of lying to Congress is impeachable, along with many other actions of Bush and Cheney. They have ignored and overiden the Constitution many times over, as well as violating international treaties that are the supreme law of the land.

The list of the 26 candidates can be found here.

In Iran, meanwhile, a senior Iranian commander warned on Tuesday that his military will wipe Israel off the world map if the Zionists attack the Islamic Republic.

"We must defend our state borders, and should Israel take any hostile action, we are ready to eliminate Israel from the world scene," Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said.

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