Friday, November 7, 2008

Tony Blair To The Hague For Trial - Do You Agree?

Tony Blair is out of office and Britain is a proud signatory nation to the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
Blair invaded Iraq without authorization from the United Nations Security Council and he lied to Britain about Iraq's non existent threat to Britain and Iraq's non existent weapons of mass destruction.

As a consequence, Blair can be charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of all British soldiers who got killed in his war against Iraq on false pretenses, his BIG LIES.

Blair took Britain into an illegal war of aggression, the supreme crime against humanity as defined at the Nuremberg trials, United States Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson presiding.

Blair can be charged with one or more of four charges: conspiracy to commit crimes alleged in other counts; crimes against peace; war crimes; or crimes against humanity.

He should be sent to the Hague for trial.

Reported here.

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