Monday, June 16, 2008

'Jewish settler attack' on film

Footage from a video camera handed out by an Israeli human rights group appears to show Jewish settlers beating up Palestinians in the West Bank.

An elderly shepherd, his wife and a nephew said they were attacked by four masked men for allowing their animals to graze near the settlement of Susia. The rights group, B'Tselem, said the cameras were provided to enable Palestinians to get proof of attacks.

Thamam al-Nawaja has been herding her goats close to the Jewish settlement of Susia, near Hebron in the southern West Bank. Within a few seconds, she, along with her 70-year-old husband and one of her nephews, will be beaten up. As the first blows land, the woman filming - the daughter-in-law of the elderly couple - drops the camera and runs for help.

"They don't want us to stay on our land, but we won't leave - we'll die here" - Thamam al-Nawaja
How about Palestinian boy chases coward Israel Soldier?

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